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What Everybody Ought to Know About Corrective Jaw Surgery

“Minor surgery is surgery someone else is having,” a man getting ready for an operation once said.

Granted, surgery is routine, with millions of Americans having surgery each year. If you’re considering corrective jaw surgery though, it’s far from routine for you. It may even feel awkward to ask your oral surgeon lots of questions. At Oral & Facial Surgeons of Arizona, we consider our patients an important part of the decision-making process, so don’t hesitate to speak up.

It’s important to learn all you can about the procedure. Did you know research shows that patients who are well informed about their surgeries have better outcomes and are more satisfied with the results? To help you become better informed about corrective jaw surgery, here are answers to three of the most commonly asked questions:

Q. What’s the first step?
A. First, find out if you’re a candidate for surgery, something your dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon will work together to determine. If you are a candidate, you’ll want to find out more about the costs of corrective jaw surgery, including which portion your insurance will cover.

Q. What will I need to do to prepare for corrective jaw surgery?
A. You will need to wear braces to move your teeth in a new position that will be a perfect fit after your corrective jaw surgery—so don’t be surprised if you think your bite is getting worse instead of better!

Q. What happens during the oral surgery?
A. Your oral surgeon will reposition your jawbones—in some cases, adding, taking away or reshaping bone. The surgeon may use surgical plates, screws, wires and rubber bands to hold your jaws in the new position. To reduce visible scarring, oral surgeons usually make incisions inside the mouth, but some cases do require small incisions outside the mouth. If so, special care is taken to minimize their appearance.